Always very cooperative, helpful, and go out of their way to make all dates according to our needs. Wish all suppliers were as conscientious as MPC.

— Bonnie Hespe, Mathison Manufacturing

Zinc Plating

For zinc plating, Milwaukee Plating operates a manual hoist zinc line that has the flexibility to handle production runs of varying sizes, with close attention to quality. Large, 11’ tanks give us the capability of zinc plating both very large and quite small parts. We use an acid chloride plating process providing a brilliant surface after plating. Our customers find it very aesthetically pleasing. Our chromate and sealer options include:
  • Clear (bright blue) High Corrosion-Resistant Trivalent Chromate (hex-free)
  • Yellow (iridescent) Dichromate (hexavalent)
  • Yellow (iridescent) Trivalent (hex-free)
  • Post Chromate Silicate Sealer
Baking – Three ovens are operated for the purpose of relieving hydrogen embrittlement per customer specifications. Software files individual to each customer part assures the proper bake temperature and time with each part processing. Salt Spray Testing – Milwaukee Plating is capable of corrosion testing to ASTM B117, with on-site equipment. (Read More)

About Zinc

Zinc is a bluish-white deposit which serves as an inexpensive decorative and sacrificial protective coating against atmospheric corrosion of iron and steel parts. It is commonly used on nuts, bolts, wire goods, fasteners, stampings and sheet metal parts. Zinc plating is generally further protected by the application of post-plate treatments such as chromates and sealers. These are applied to retard the beginning of zinc corrosion and, thus, the beginning of the basis metal corrosion.

©2018 Milwaukee Plating Company 1434 N. Vel R. Phillips Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53212